I’ve found all of the ADC personnel, in every situation, to be extremely professional and client focused. For this reason, we invited ADC to participate as the engineer of record for the Colonial Lake renovation project. [ … ] Their participation with the design team directly resulted in creative, cost effective and very well thought out solutions to engineering problems that I feel confident would not have been realized in their absence.
Civil Engineering Projects Require Special Expertise
Choose a Firm That Will Go Above and Beyond
From proper stormwater management in new developments to preservation of historic buildings and sites, civil engineering projects require an especially precise level of care. ADC Engineering understands the intricacies of civil engineering and is prepared to bring unique solutions to the table to make your project run smoothly, all while remaining on schedule and on budget.

Raising the Bar for Our Clients
What to Expect From ADC’s Civil Engineering Design Team
1. Exceptional Project Coordination
Managing a project with multiple owners, clients, and agencies is a challenge, but ADC coordinates between all stakeholders to ensure the project is a success and all parties are satisfied.
ADC provided the master plan for a 126-acre site that includes a reconstructed middle school, an existing high school, a new library and future Center for Advanced Studies to be used by the high school. There are two owners and three architect firms representing the different projects, but ADC was chosen to be the only civil engineering firm.
During the design process ADC recognized there was not road that would safely accommodate buses or pedestrian traffic. ADC coordinated a joint application from the city, the school district, and the county libraries to the county transportation department to approve a roadway improvement project that benefited the entire community by providing safer school and pedestrian circulation. ADC’s involvement early in the project saved money and ensured the community’s safety.
2. Proactive & Accommodating Project Leadership
ADC doesn’t just do the bare minimum to keep a project moving. We constantly seek out opportunities to go above and beyond to accommodate the client’s needs.
A local car dealership wanted to renovate and expand a dated facility. ADC saw an opportunity to design a project that the owner didn’t even know was possible. The project became a major overhaul of the entire property and a highly visible dealership with state-of-the-art facilities and a significant increase in car inventory and display area was created. The renovation was beyond the owner’s and a detailed phasing plan avoided interrupting operations during construction.
ADC developed a three-phase site construction approach to avoid interrupting operations during construction. The owner was pleased with a renovation that was beyond his original expectations and maintaining operations is always a priority to a business like a car dealership.
3. Unmatched Technical Expertise & Creative Solutions
Civil engineering projects present unique challenges, but ADC has the practical knowledge and experience necessary to propose sound solutions.
The US Army planned to build an Explosive Waste Incinerator (EWI) and Contaminated Waste Processing (CWP) facility in the mountain region of Virginia. The site is adjacent to a river and within a 100-year flood zone, so standard BMPs to improve water quality would have been the stormwater management solution.
However, a geotechnical investigation discovered karst in the region, making the site susceptible to sink holes. The threat of sink holes and the site’s limited space eliminated the ability to use many of the standard BMPs. With the project’s viability at stake, ADC’s civil engineering design team went to work on creating another alternative.
The team was able to design a treatment system for the stormwater management ponds that prevented the creation of sinkholes. The required stormwater quantity and quality requirements were ultimately achieved through ADC’s new treatment system combined with other site BMPs.
ADC’s Track Record Speaks for Itself
See What Clients Have Had to Say
We have found ADC Engineering to be a thorough and knowledgeable partner. Their expertise in governmental and educational projects has been very valuable, leading to good working relationships with both Owners and Contractors. ADC understands review agencies’ practices and requirements well, and produces clear and complete drawings and specifications. Their insight has led to the fruition of successful building projects in both North and South Carolina.
I don’t believe I’ve ever done this before, but I do not have any comments after reviewing the plans for the subject permit application. Good job.
As former Facilities Director of Dorchester 2 Schools and current Director of Operations of Anderson 4 Schools, I have utilized the services of ADC Engineering, Inc. for over seven years. In addition, over the past fifteen years I have been involved with many projects that utilized their services for a variety of construction projects and I can say unequivocally they are an outstanding organization.
Civil Engineering Services
ADC Engineering can provide the following services for your civil engineering project: